A revolutionary platform that automates, influencer advertisement: allowing ordinary people to work with the brands that they care about!
Businesses can create advertising campaigns within minutes that are then distributed to thousands of small influencers on Instagram.
The influencers then create the posts that the businesses have paid for. All of this happens instantly and automatically without any human involvement in the running of the site.
We allow you to reach thousands of people through the most natural and organic method possible: getting real people to talk about your products/services to their friends and family. Engagement rates are 85% higher with Influencers that have have 1,000 followers relative to 100,000.
Traditional marketing methods don't have the same impact as Influencer Marketing: with 71% of UK Citizenssociateing advertisements with fake news and the average cost per click on traditional online marketing platforms landing at over £20 per coversion!
Aside from helping causes that matter to you as an Influencer, by donating our Campaign Profits to a Charity of your choice. We also make it possible for you to get the rewards that you deserve for the content that you create!
You can get paid real money for the Posts that you make: and you get to choose the businesses that you work with.
Become a Professional Instagram Model Now by submitting your details for when the Platform is finished.
Become a professional influencer now by submitting your details for when the platform is launched.